Hot Oil & Blue Exhaust

I include this old boy because there are frequent visitors to this blog (you know who you are) who will get very, very, excited by it. Not for them the pristine over-restored specimens paraded in front of admiring crowds at agricultural shows- 'And here's Dick Blogwort on his 1953 Mudslinger, good to see you here again Dick'- but far rather something half-disintegrating into a hedge.This will be pulled out by an equally disintegrating Landrover in order to spend another five years distintegrating further in the corner of a dusty barn with sparrows twittering up in the roof, half-covered in a grimy tarpaulin. I just love it, it's that Pleasing Decay thing that John Piper introduced us to, the fact that some things are very satisfying if just left alone to disappear of their own accord. Not that this tractor wouldn't be fun to drive again- at least two of my commentators would have it going in seconds however long it had been resting-up on this patch of Rutland. A tuneless fanfare through a rolled-up copy of the Farmers Weekly for the first to identify it.

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