Unexpected Alphabet No.11

Trying to hide in a Northamptonshire field at Wakerley, the final resting place of an Atlas Express Carriers articulated wagon. 'Atlas', 'Express', two words turned by bucolic retirement into oxymorons; when once they were a familiar message on 'trunk' roads and in station yards. I have seen these fading green truck bodies elsewhere in the neighbourhood, obviously a job lot in the same way as old railway wagons, shorn of their wheels and distributed over the countryside in order to live again as hay stores and pony stables. I particularly like the way that inclement weather is slowly revealing the previous livery underneath. But what do we know about them? I've got a feeling they were one of the first hauliers to take to the roads after the deregulation of the business- the demise of BRS with their beautiful red or green lorries crested with the British Railways lion badge. Or I might be talking out of my roped-down tarpaulin.

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