''Lack of Geographical Awareness''

I never intended that it would become a post, it was just a little something I saved in order that I might pass it on to a reader. Until that is, remembering the existence of a video clip, that one could only describe as being made for the job, custom made if you will.

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now, in conversation with talking head and Korea wonk, Christine Ahn, on the subject (24m30s mark) of the recent demise of the Dear Leader.

....Christine Ahn, if you could continue with this history lesson that Professor Chung-in Moon began for us, especially for people here in the United States. You know the lack of geographical awareness of people here. We live in an insulated world—a globalized world, but we’re very insulated in the United States. What do you feel it’s most important to understand about North Korea in a global context?

By some strange coincidence, our featured clip, does in parts, feature the peninsular, sorry, the Island of Korea.

So without further ado; drive on!

Not forgetting of course, to strap in before doing so.

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