Common Reasons For Pregnancy Inability

Unfortunately, an increasing number of couples experience difficulties in conceiving a child nowadays. Studies show that pregnancy inability primarily shows up in developed, western nations. That fact alone can point us to the right direction when trying to figure out what causes the problem and what we can and should do to deal with it now and prevent it in the future. Naturally, it is women that carry the most burden and tend to worry more about pregnancy inability, at least in the early stages of failed attempts.

It is widely noticed that couples make a giant leap forward when they deal with continuous failed attempts to conceive. That's considering themselves being physically infertile. While it is true that in some cases, couples may be physically unable to have a child due to underlying medical issues, in many others, the inability to conceive is a result of psychological factors, most important of which is stress. One's lifestyle options are also of vital importance.

I this article, we'll go through some basic, no rocket science - pure logical steps to increasing your chances to get pregnant. Keep in mind that if you feel certain that you are doing everything right already and you still can't get pregnant, consulting with a doctor is what you should do. You and your partner should take a series of tests as advised by your doctor in order to find out what the problem is and what you can do any further. Till then, try applying the following.

Stop Stressing

As detrimental as it may sound, it is truly vital that you find your way out of stress. This is very important for both partners. More often than not, couples deal with stress anyway due to work related issues or maybe their finances, family issues etc. But what makes pregnancy elusive in most cases is that couples tend to stress about their ability to conceive in a period of time they consider logical (after they begin trying) or overall (infertility concerns). It sounds ironic but it's true. The number one type of stress resulting in couples failing to get pregnant is the stress caused by wanting to have a baby in the first place.

That kind of stress only gets worse if a couple lets their relatives and close friends know that they are trying to have a child. This happens due to the fact that since people know the couple is trying, they feel obligated to check in every now and then, show their concern and agony. They obviously mean well but unfortunately, that persistent chat over the couple's attempts to get pregnant is very likely to result in great amounts of stress which in turn will make pregnancy even more elusive and as of that, more stress (infertility concern jumps in at this point). It's an endless scheme; easily explaining why so many couples can't get pregnant.

To avoid all that, it is advised that the couple keeps the fact they're trying to get pregnant to themselves and only let their close ones know when they're finally there. This will allow for privacy and a stable, anxiety-free enviroment.

Making Sure The Time Is Right

Several couples simply ignore the importance of coordinating their efforts with ovulation. However, it is highly important and probably the most important factor for a successful conception together with stress dumping. Women with stable, regular cycles are able to easily calculate their most fertile days by simply dividing their cycle in two. For example, a woman with 28 days regular cycle is mostly fertile in day 14. However, she'll want to start trying two days before that and keep it up for two days after as well.

Women with irregular cycles are a bit harder in terms of predicting ovulation. For such women, their best bet is to keep trying throughout the month to maximize their chances. Another option is to purchase an home based ovulation predictor kit or a fertility monitor. These tests are quite accurate in predicting ovulation and can greatly help women with irregular cycles as well as women with stable cycles.

Lifestyle Is Important

Our choices in life very much affect our ability to conceive a baby. For this reason, eating well and staying away from unhealthy and processed foods, getting rid of bad habits such as smoking and drinking, exercising whenever possible; all can greatly help.

Sometimes a change of scenery can greatly benefit one's efforts. Consider taking a trip, a holiday if you can afford it. Some place nice. Relax, have fun and try again. Obviously, one should coordinate that trip with ovulation to maximize the probability of a successful conception.

Good Luck!

Alexandra M. Jones is a happy mother of two wonderful kids, a boy and a girl. Having suffered with pregnancy inability herself a few years back, Alexandra researched her way through that and is now blogging about pregnancy tips and advice to help other mothers and fathers to be. You can find her blog at:

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