Saturday Round-Up
Saturday, July 14, 2012
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Pride of place to this, from the land of free.
Shame on you.
Further tales from the land of the free.
I think we might thank the influence of the Catholic Church for this one.
Shameful, but then I don't live in a slum built on top of the local dump.
Not so free ourselves in England's green and pleasant land.
What has the Egg and Spoon race come to, if it has come to this?
We are not insane, honest! we've just got religion.

Californian city extends smoking ban to include apartments More
Shame on you.
Merkel to allow circumcision in Germany despite ban More
Further tales from the land of the free.
Woman convicted of battery for protesting TSA pat-down More
I think we might thank the influence of the Catholic Church for this one.
Jamaican doctor arrested for performing abortion on 12-year-old
Dr Lloyd Goldson and the girl's mother have been arrested for allegedly procuring an abortion, and could face life in prison More
Shameful, but then I don't live in a slum built on top of the local dump.
Indian campaign confronts prevalence of female foeticide
Activists target antenatal clinics as people face so many problems, killing newborn girls has to compete for attention More
Not so free ourselves in England's green and pleasant land.
There was some surprise in the comments of yesterday’s post over the fact that the United Kingdom has effectively outlawed encryption: the UK will send its citizens to jail for up to five years if they cannot produce the key to an encrypted data set. More
What has the Egg and Spoon race come to, if it has come to this?
‘Lethal force’ at the ready: No-fly zone over London Olympics
It’s official: starting Saturday, Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) may use “lethal force” against any unauthorized craft, including passenger jets, caught violating London airspace during the Olympics. More
We are not insane, honest! we've just got religion.
Virgin Mary image on tree in West New York still drawing onlookers More

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