Spread the word: It’s almost time to set your clocks and check your stocks!

Set your clocks, check your stocks
Daylight saving begins March 9.

How often should you refresh your emergency supplies? At least every six months, experts say. But with everything else that’s going on in life, remembering to do so can be hard.
That’s why APHA’s Get Ready: Set Your Clocks, Check Your Stocks  campaign uses the twice-a-year clock change as a reminder. The campaign advises people to refresh their stockpile, such as their emergency food, water and batteries, when they adjust their clocks for daylight saving time.
And guess what? The next clock change is just around the corner. Daylight saving time starts Sunday, March 9.
Every American should have at least a three-day supply of food and water in case of an emergency, including one gallon of water per person per day, according to preparedness experts. Other supplies that should be on hand include a first-aid kit, a can opener, flashlight, battery-operated radio and batteries.
Now that you know to check your stockpile, you can help your friends, family and community be prepared for disasters, too. Here are just some ways you can remind people to check their stockpiles:
Thanks for spreading the word and helping your friends, family and community get ready!

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