Madeleine McCann An Appeal For Justice

This appeal, though part of a longer post, I made back in 2010. And now having witnessed the tragic death of, Brenda "Sweepyface" Leyland, who seemingly took her own life in consequence of being ambushed on her doorstep by the insidious, Martin Brunt of Sky News, I reiterate that appeal today.

I suppose I can thank the lovely Sandra Fegueiras for taking the edge off my very considerable ire, pretty women tend to have that effect on me.

But Ire it was, and ire it is, and ire it will always be, until that is, someone puts a stop to these two creatures.

Is there nobody in this country, is there nobody that has the wherewithal to end this obscenity, is there nobody prepared to say, enough is enough?

Is there not one politician, not one cop, not one journalist among you that will bring this thing to an end? And I deliberately refrain from using terms like grow some balls or find a backbone, because it doesn't take these things to do what is required, it takes decency, a sense of what is right, morals, or better, moral indignation; indignation at seeing the wrong that is going on all around us.

There must be so many of you in a position to end this, there has to be, and you know who you are, but I beg you, don't sit back and wait for the other fellow to act, you act, you have it in your grasp to stop this vile canker from polluting decency and polluting this country further than it has already.

Please I beg you, I beseech you, put a stop to it, bring this abomination to an end.

~ ~ ~

Let me make this quite clear, Brenda "Sweepyface" Leyland was not a "troll" as, even in death she was so described, by the deplorable hacks of the UK media.

Rather, Brenda Leyland was, like us all, just someone who wanted answers to this ongoing affront to decency and justice.

And as such, she asked questions and proffered both her opinion and snippets of information. Is it I wonder, those snippets of information that caused Brenda to be targeted by the McCann Machine, in the form of Martin Brunt?

A similar question I add, asked quite recently by Allan Sugar, Lord Sugar.

If the McCanns are not on Twitter, question must be asked who pointed out to media the so called trolling of the McCanns by Brenda Leyland.

Brenda Leyland's Facebook comments can be read here, and I ask you, are these the words of a troll? No.

But I wonder, was it content such as this, that caused the targeting of, Brenda Leyland?

Brenda Leyland Gerry McCann has a very short fuse, to say he is testy, is to put it mildly, Kate has perfected the " anguished face" to a tee, they now have a well oiled PR team and a constant flow of income generated from funds, I have heard that there are many at Glenfield Hospital ( Gerrys work place) who have expressed disquiet, however the McCann will sue at the drop of a hat.

Research: Maren - The Netherlands.

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