Importance of Ebola Education
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
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There are many differing opinions about the severity of the Ebola virus that has currently taken over media headlines. Some say this threat is of international importance, and we should all feel extremely vulnerable to the virus. Others have no interest in the latest Ebola news, as they think it does not apply to them, and could never be of prevalence in their area. Whatever your stance on this occurrence, one subject should be of significance: your grasp on Ebola education. Individuals should understand how to reduce their own risk of contracting this virus, even if they believe it could never affect them. The opinions expressed in this article are not those from a medical professional. This article does not provide medical advice and is not meant to help individuals treat a patient.

The Ebola virus, which was discovered in 1976, is thought to have had an animal as its natural reservoir, most likely a bat. This virus was first known as hemorrhagic fever, outbreaks have been most prevalent in parts of Africa. Ebola has five identified virus species, though only four of these strains cause disease in humans. The symptoms of this virus include fever, muscle pain, diarrhea, weakness, and stomach pain, among a few other symptoms. However, some these symptoms appear in other diseases, which is why unqualified individuals should not attempt to diagnose or treat the virus (or any other suspected diseases) themselves.

Taking proper precaution is of necessity. When family, friends, or loved ones are not feeling well, the instinct is to help them try to feel better. Sometimes this results in an additional person becoming sick, as well, due to close proximity to the infected individual. This case with the Ebola virus differs, as Ebola cannot be contracted through the air. The virus is transmitted through bodily fluids, such as saliva, sweat, urine, etc. The fluids must then enter another person's body through broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, or mouth.

Qualified professionals who must come into contact with Ebola patients for treatment purposes are required to wear protective eye wear and clothing, and take other carefully monitored precautions. Those who are fit to treat this virus are trained professionals with years of experience in their field. For those who do not have these qualifications, understanding the main aspects of the Ebola virus and becoming educated on ways to reduce risk of contracting the disease is key. The information learned may be used for preventative measures for others as well, such as immediate and extended family, friends, loved ones, roommates, and coworkers.
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