EU-style "North American Union" would kill U.S. national sovereignty  - EXACTLY THE PLAN OF THE NWO - 10 WORLD REGIONS

In response to Brexit, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto is calling for a EU-style “North American Union.” 

Nieto is attending a North American leaders summit in Ottawa on Wednesday to push the years-long, globalist proposal that would combine the U.S., Mexico and Canada into a regional entity at the expense of U.S. national sovereignty, which starts with joint energy agreements.

“The purpose of this visit is to renew our bilateral relationship, to give it new life, to find ways to advance the prosperity and competitiveness of North America,” Nieto said, with emphasis added on North America.

He’s not the first Mexican president to push the NAU; Vicente Fox also pushed the globalist plan, but he was so vocal about it, the Bush administration finally told him to keep quiet to avoid negative press.

“I proposed a ‘NAFTA Plus’ plan to President Bush and Canada’s Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to move us toward a single continental economic union, modeled on the European example,” he wrote in his autobiography Revolution of Hope. “… At summits I took every opportunity to advocate clearly for free-market policies; showing what sound economics could do to fund social justice; arguing for globalism, NAFTA and the Free Trade Area of the Americas.”

(And the European Union is currently in process of rebellion from the people and breaking up because the people have had ENOUGH of the 'leaders' FORCING them in to NWO arrangements that are HURTFUL and further ENSLAVING them instead of helpful - and now the NWO thugs want to do this to North American as well)

And during Fox’s presidency in 2005, the globalist Council on Foreign Relations met with the Mexican government to discuss the implementation of the NAU.

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“We are asking the 'leaders' of the United States, Mexico and Canada to be bold and adopt a vision of the future that is bigger than and beyond the immediate problems of the present,” CFR member and former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister John P. Manley wrote. “They could be the architects of a new community of North America, not mere custodians of the status quo.”

However, the NAU proposal would “increase labor mobility” between the U.S. and Mexico, which would effectively grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, and a “North American regulatory plan” with a “unified approach” to all three countries, which would effectively END U.S. national sovereignty.

Additionally, the NAU would strengthen controversial trade deals such as NAFTA which has only exacerbated illegal immigration by fueling mass unemployment in Mexico.

There are no jobs [in Mexico] and NAFTA forced the price of corn so low that it’s not economically possible to plant a crop anymore,” Rufino Domínguez, the former coordinator of the Binational Front of Indigenous Organizations, revealed. “We come to the U.S. to work because we can’t get a price for our product at home. There’s no alternative.”

Sin maiz, no hay pais: without corn, there is no country, as the Mexican saying goes.

NAFTA disrupted Mexico’s corn production so badly that 75,000 Iowa farmers were able to grow twice as much corn as 3,000,000 Mexican producers – and at half the cost because the U.S. maintained its corn subsidies under NAFTA.  That resulted in the mass migration of Mexican farm workers flowing into America.

“The big wave in illegal immigration from Mexico began in the 1980s, but it picked up strongly after NAFTA – that wasn’t unexpected,” NPR’s Tim Robbins reported, a rare admission from an establishment outlet.

Donald Trump has spoken out against NAFTA and EU-style bureaucracies, which explains why Nieto and other globalist Mexican officials have spoken out against the GOP nominee.

Also why the GOP and DEM are outraged that Trump has good positive answers - which the majority of Americans approve of - to the US problems, which these globalists purposely created to bring in the NWO agenda and the demise of the united States.

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