JUNE 23, 2016

Last night a friend of mine and myself were talking with a person who gets around a lot, lots of connections, and picks up the undercurrent to many events building up in history.  We will call him Mr. G.  I will give a capsule version or summary of what he said about the pending Global Reset of foreign currencies around the world.

Iraq is the starting point.  Having had its currency destroyed in value due to war and by international agreements with the White House, UN, etc, it was arranged for Iraq to get value for their currency once having set up the required agenda to make their currency worth serious money again and of sound value for international global trading so Iraq could rejoin the Global Market as an equal player and partner to all other nations on earth. 

One of the players that decides the fate of Iraq, whether it will be allowed to have a booming economy in international trade or again be betrayed by Wash, D.C., is Obama.  Obama is in the position to decide the fate of Iraq and playing for bigger pieces needed to control the outcome of world history.   

Mr. G claimed that Iraq has made around 140 attempts to "RV" their currency so far but always blocked by Wash., D.C. controlled sources, meaning Obama calls the shots behind the scenes whether Iraq will be allowed or not to return to a global trading partner with the rest of the world.

Another player in world currency is China. China bought control of Wells Fargo Bank and Wells Fargo Bank reportedly has control of the  exchanging of foreign currencies when the hour comes whether to have a new monetary system for the world or not. Wells Fargo will set the value for exchanges with other banks. China owning Wells Fargo holds to the position that if Obama keeps blocking the global reset of international currencies, then China wants all other citizens of other nations to have the right of exchanging foreign currencies for their fair values with the Global Reset, that is all but the American citizens to punish them for letting Obama mess up the world economy through dishonest tactics used by him from the White House.  

The global currency reset is to monetize the assets of the nations of the world and give a new chance to get the world economy moving successfully ahead with enough money to move the world economy ahead in a healthy manner. Because Obama has been using Washington agencies as fronts for him and also international agencies controlled by Wash., D.C. he is apparently out to block this Global Currency Reset and violate all the legal treaties and agreements including UN involving restoring Iraq to full status as a nation among equals on the earth and in the Global Economy.  

This has made many foreign nations needing this Global Reset to help straighten out their national economies mad as hornets against Wash., D.C. and Obama and ready to unite to dump the American dollar for international trade purposes and collapse the American economy in retaliation for the acts of Obama hurting national economies all over the world.

If Iraq is allowed to trade freely worldwide as an equal partner to the Global Market, then either pressure or else conscience (?) has stopped Obama from messing up this Global Reset. Congress is a joke as to legal integrity, but time to put Congress on the legal mat and require legal integrity out of these buck passers who do not want the responsibility of doing what is right for the American people and America as a nation. 

With the release of this report, send copies to members of Congress and state legislatures. States can go bankrupt if Obama causes the American dollar to collapse for purposes of international trade. They have a vested interest also in this Global Reset issue. 

The Americans get their fair value in exchange of foreign currencies when the 'go' signal is given to start exchanging at the new rates. This, in turn, gives them the money to heavily invest in setting up new industry in America, create millions of new jobs, and boom the American economy.  If the American economy booms, this should help make America a better nation for foreign nations to sell to which in turn will expand their national economies also. 

As Henry Ford said when alive, enough international trade should push the world towards peace and not war, as war is fought over economic issues. Peace and prosperity worldwide should calm the world down from the violence of war, etc.  I don't remember his exact words, but this was the message of Henry Ford that enough international trade could make the world peaceful rather than warlike.

Under the U.S. Constitution, our scared to death of responsibility U.S. Congress has the legal authority to investigate Obama over this Global Reset issue and impeach him and remove him from office if he is trying to commit high treason against the national economy of America.  He was raised in a highly radical environment and does not think like the ordinary Americans. As President Ronald Reagan said, "Man is not free unless government is limited."

Why is Obama holding back this Global Reset when Iraq, etc. is doing what is required of them under international law?

When we have the mass exchange of foreign currencies under the Global Reset, the American economy then booms! End of this harsh "recession" (actually depression, but the figures are tampered with to make it sound better than reality!)   Understand what Obama is doing and trying to do to America. Don't let him slam the brakes on the potential to boom the American economy!

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