In Which “Reality" are you living?

In Which “Reality" are you living?

Are we really free? We were being run by a fictitious corporation which was owned by the "City of London" which in turn is owned by the Vatican.
Our legal system is a British admiralty sea law setup run by the BAR system which stands for British Accredited Registry which has written thousands of Statutes to control your so called "Freedom".
Under the Bankruptcy Act of 1933, you were declared an enemy of the "corporation" and can not own property.
Your titles are those of "usage" not "ownership". Look on your house title. You will see the word "tenant". The dollar is now worthless and the rest of the world has rejected it.
Our politicians are a bunch of crooks and are the board of directors for the now bankrupt United States of America INC. They don't work for you and I and they
don't care about us. They raise their salaries as more citizens fall into poverty. Our infrastructure is in need of repair and our public school system is inferior.
Many of the scientists and intelligentsia in America are from foreign countries.
Our signature was stolen from us during a loan scam by bankers who said that they loaned us money when they had none to give us. You promissory note from your mortgage was then split from the Chain of Title and sold off thus voiding our loans. The banks don't sign our mortgages which makes the transaction fraudulent from the start. Furthermore, our identity has been stolen and monetized as a bond via a Cestui Que Vie Trust or Birth Certificate and is traded on the open market.
WE are prevented from travelling freely due to a drivers License. Licenses are a means of taking a right and turning it into a privlege. Tools of enslavement
include religions, dumbed down educational systems, corporate indoctrination and control, mass media lies, coverups, and phoney treaties designed to profit
the rich and bilk the poor and stupid.
These people would like to take our weapons from us so that they can eliminate the "useless eaters" of our country.
Yes, we won some battles from King George but we lost the war and have never realized that we had been sold out and enslaved and are really a British colony which in turn is controlled by the Vatican Jesuits whose secret long term plan is to Restore the Roman Empire under the banner of The New World Order..
Happy 4th of "WHAT"?...........................E.
Provided as public service
courtesy of the

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