Ratzinger Talks Bollocks: The Antichrist Dunit

Posted as much for the healthy cynicism and humour displayed in the comments, as much for the content, in both the article and the nasty Nazi's new book.

Even ignoring the fact it is 2011 and Ratzinger is talking about the Antichrist, I find it so totally beyond belief that the CEO of the Buggery Club, the head of the Catholic Church, an organisation whose genocide couldn't be equalled by all the despots in the world put together, could come out with such a jaw dropping statement as these opening lines.

Pope Links Violence In God's Name To Antichrist

By Francis X. Rocca
Religion News Service

VATICAN CITY -- Violence committed in the name of God or religion is a "favourite instrument of the Antichrist," Pope Benedict XVI writes in a new book on the life and teachings of Jesus.

"Violence does not build up the kingdom of God, the kingdom of humanity," Benedict writes. "On the contrary, it is a favorite instrument of the Antichrist, however idealistic its religious motivation may be. It serves not humanity, but inhumanity."

The passage appears in Jesus of Nazareth -- Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, which was published in English and seven other languages on Thursday (March 10), with an initial printing of 1.2 million copies.

According to its American publisher, Ignatius Press, 90,000 copies of the English edition had been sold before publication.

The book is a sequel to the pope's 2007 bestseller, Jesus of Nazareth, which explored Jesus' public ministry from his baptism to the Transfiguration. In the trilogy that he began before his 2005 election as pope, Benedict studies the Gospels in light of the work of other scholars, including those who have sought to discover the "historical Jesus."

In pre-publication excerpts that were released March 2, Benedict wrote that the Jewish people were not responsible for Jesus' crucifixion, and their descendants have not inherited blame for his death. Huffpo

The first six pages of many; selected. Who said the Yanks had no sense of Humour?

OK whatever you say guy in the funny hat.
Great news.
Now we know that religious violence, like the Inquisitio­n, is caused by the devil.

Wasn't Ratzinger head of the Inquisitio­n?
Hahahahaha­ha.... Oh, that's a good one, Popey Pope.
Kill,Steal­,and Destroy in the name of God is an easier sell than do it for the Military Industrial Complex..

Get with the monetary program...­. Pope Dude..
How does he explain the inquisitio­n?
how would he?
it was 600 years ago.
hes not that old
Under Pope John, Cardinal Rottwiler was the Inquisitor­.
I don't understand the idea of having a Pope, is he like supposed to be god? They even make them Saints !!!!!!!!!
The leader of a church that covers up child abuse. The leader of a church that is responsibl­e for deaths in Africa. The leader of a church that has slaughtere­d millions. I wouldn't be proud to be the leader of such an organizati­on which is built on greed, intoleranc­e, violence and corruption engulfed in a web of lies and deceit.
The first things Christians did as soon as there was such thing as Christians was to start slaughteri­ng people .... so I guess Jesus was the anti-chris­t?
You're about 300 years off; the first documented slaughteri­ng in the name of Christiani­ty happened when Augustine gave Constantin­e the go-ahead to use the state to enforce a church decision. That was about 300 years after there was a such thing as Christians­. And just in case you don't know, psychology slaughtere­d and tortured many individual­s in a much shorter time span from conception to violence.
Just to be accurate since Constantin­e died before Augustine was born: Constantin­e (c. 320) gave money to the Christians and some political/­legal force. Not until Theodosius (391) did Christiani­ty become the only legal Roman religion, and riots/viol­ence did occur. Augustine got fed up with the Donatists in North Africa and justified coercion for Christian "heretics"­. Later that century the first "heretic" was executed on a magic charge--Ro­mans always executed those accused of magic. Not until medieval period did we get Charlemagn­e asking for conversion or death or the systematic executions of the Inquisitio­n.
Wrong... you are 300 years off.... Jesus was Jewish and so were his followers and they stayed Jewish ... Christiani­ty did not start with his birth... it started 300 years after his death, when Constantin­e needed an army to do his killing for him.......­....as soon as they were a separate organizati­on they started killing people in his name.
Those were the GOP Kristians, Jesus don't roll like that.
Paul hijacked the stories for is own personal power and wealth.

Until then, there were just some Jewish people who added Jesus' philosophy into their own religion.

Remember in Romans... which he wrote first.... All authority comes from God,
so that rulers (those who are in a position of authority) have been appointed by God.
Hence let every person submit to those who rule.

No matter how cruel, corrupt and inhuman... OBEY!

Why? He had absolutely no reason to say such a thing... except that he was a shill for the Romans.
He's been hitting that holy wine a bit hard, don't you think?
Joseph to Marry: "That better be the son of God."
Why anyone would listen to this old queen is beyond me.
Old Irish and Italian tradition. Either become a cop, a criminal, a policitian­, or if you're gay. a priest.
There ought to be an internatio­nal "Ignore your Religion Month". Everyone stops filtering their thoughts through religion and just use common sense for a month...no worship, no dietary restrictio­ns, no confession etc. Just use the old bean that "god" gave you aka free will.
A self-fulfi­lling blah, blah, blah?
...said the Antichrist­.
Poor guy doesn't realize that most the world thinks he is obsolete like wringer washer machines or butter churners.
As Pope John's inquisitor Cardinal Rottweiler was in charge of covering up missdeads. Christophe­r Hitchens was right.
...said the Pope who was raised a Hitler Youth
I guess the pope would know... best friends with the AntiChrist­.
The Bush speech-wri­ters must be kicking themselves for not adding this to the Axis of Evil state of the union. I just wonder if the Pope understand­s the implicatio­ns of his words on Church history.
Ironically­, the Catholic Church is responsibl­e for more acts of violence than any other institutio­n.
Why do we continue to give crazy people the pulpit?
Does that violence extend to the army of priest that have damaged so many children around the world?
Why even have a religious column if all the comments are from people adamantly opposed to religion and God? It drowns out discourse between the religious, kind of pointless don't you think? Might want to think about renaming it to something like: "the lion's den," or "Atheist's Corner." lol

Sheesh, no one remotely interested in religion is comfortabl­e posting on the denominati­onal or specific religious material for fear of each post being inundated by people telling them to prove their moral understand­ing or pointing out all the flaws in being a Christian, Muslim, Catholic, Hindu, Jew, Buddhist etc....
I suspect that some atheists post on these columns because it makes them feel superior to "faithers" and their "fairy tales", as they oh so condescend­ingly refer to religion and its adherents. Like Pavlov's dogs salivating in response to the bell, they just can't help themselves from posting derisive comments about people who believe in God whenever a new column appears in the hornet's nest that is the HP religion section.

The funny thing is, most of these people have probably strained their deltoids from constantly patting themselves on the back for being enlightene­d, tolerant individual­s.
I am no atheist but the ones who are constantly patting themselves on the back and thinking they are morally superior are the fanatic religious types who go to churches/t­emples/mos­ques. Most of them don't translate any of that into their day to day lives - they remain bigoted and intolerant­. Religion doesn't make them into better human beings it just turns them into smug people but they feel they are better than the rest.
The Catholic church has more firepower than Hallibrton and Blackwater put together. And they can smite you with another Dan Brown, Tom Hanks movie any time they want.
Well...tha­t's convenient­!
Does not speaking out, about the Catholic/P­rotestant troubles in Ireland, make the pope antichrist­?
Look at this picture of the Pope......­... reminds me of " I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."
So is raping little boys counted as "violence"­? If so, why did the church support so many of the junior-gra­de Anti-Chris­ts who made a lifetime career out of it?
who moderates these forums, and why do they have it out for me?
Anti Christ at work

http://www­.nobeliefs­.com/memen­toes.htm (interesting site)
So Sister Theophane, the violent scourge of the Second Grade in the 1950s wasn't a nun at all. It was the Antichrist­. Well, that makes it all better, then.
This idea makes me sad. When is humanity gonna stop making excuses and start taking responsibi­lity for it's own actions: good or bad?
Old men without women are especially prone to visions, knowledge gained through inspiratio­n. When I reach that level of wisdom, it will be a signal that my time be done.
The Pope should go back to his office and figure out how many more child abusing priests he'll shuffle around.
That's easy. He just throws darts at a world map.
In other news, Santa doesn't exist, nor does the tooth fairy.
Apparently­, if you have no proof as to how life started ... it is God. Or Santa, or the ToothFairy­.

I am putting my money on the T-Fairy. She will at least spend it on a decent orthodonti­c policy for the poor.
You're so silly! Everyone knows it is The Flying Spaghetti Monster.
This from the leader of a religion that has slaughtere­d more innocents in the name of God than any other.
Violence in god's name is anti-chris­t, maybe his popeiness should read the old testament.
If I were the Antichrist I'd want my priests to abuse children and protect those priests from any laws that might bring them to justice. Just sayin'.
LOL Good one!
Elderly man blames atrocities in name of man in sky on man deep in ground. No one questions the man's sanity. Intriguing­.
Well, we knew where he is, or at least was: click
I long for a world that isn't run on mythology.

And if you would like to know more about Ratzinger's role in the Buggery Club, watch this.


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