The Saga of Hillary Clinton Continues ...


Today on Newsmax TV they showed an email someone has in their possession.  In it Hillary gave instructions to her staff that if there was a classified mark on something, to "scrub it and pass it on."  How convenient is it that the FBI Director didn't see that email?  That shows "intent" which he argued was absent in his investigation.  Hopefully Newsmax will get that evidence over to Judicial Watch uno pronto. 

Fortunately, the Statute on such matters does not require "intent;" only proof that the law was broken, and therefore, in my opinion, there is much Congress should do about this case; like immediately remove the security clearances of all involved and bring charges against them.  Here's one step in the right direction:  Clinton Blocked From Seeing Classified Briefings

Hillary made much 'ado' in the media against Trump, saying "Would any of you want his finger on the nuclear button?"  Considering her gross negligence in ignoring security concerns over improper handling of highly classified and top secret materials -- thus potentially endangering the lives of personnel here and abroad --would anyone in their right mind still want to vote for Hillary whose finger, as president, would be on the nuclear button? 

While I was employed by the DOJ, USAO, Criminal Division, it was explained to me by an Assistant US Attorney that if a private citizen has a legal cause against the government, they have to hire their own attorney as the federal government will not represent them.  The USAO only represents federal matters/ agencies. 

Having the FBI investigate Hillary and pronounce a decision not to recommend indictment was like the fox investigating another fox.  Comey acted as jury, prosecutor and judge -- none of which were his right to do.  Proper procedure is for his findings to be sent to the USAO where a Grand Jury would have been picked to decide on whether to make an indictment for trial.  Comey apparently wanted to keep the final outcome in his own hands, fearing a decision by a grand jury that he had no control over.  Comey was also apparently desirous of protecting his pride as Head of the FBI, and his future retirement, etc.  -- COMEY has LONG HISTORY of cases ending FAVORABLE to CLINTONS... 

Also troubling was Attorney General Lynch's comment prior to the FBI's presentation of their findings that she would go along with whatever they recommended.  Excuse me?  A federal judge agreeing to accept whatever someone's findings were without involving a Grand Jury first?  What a mess!
I heard today a civil case(s) is being considered against Hillary.  It will be interesting to see what Judicial Watch will do about this matter. -- BUCHANAN: FBI left Hillary's fate in our hands... / Dick Morris:  Indict Hillary for Contempt of Congress 

Another witness against Clinton suspiciously killed
Xander 07-03-2016
Hillary Clinton:  Close ties to radical Islamists, poison gas given to Syrian rebels, led by fraud, million gifts
John Ashe, after his "accident," is no longer a threat to Hillary Clinton.

former president of the UN General Assembly, just days before he would make an incriminating testimony against Hillary Clinton, was found dead.  John Ashe [was] shattered in a crash.  Mrs. Clinton has left a long trail of corpses behind over the years.  People who dare to oppose them or to disclose their criminal practices are at high risk to have to pay with their lives.

Ed.:  First, there was Ron Brown, former Secretary of Commerce (a high-ranking witness) who threatened to reveal Bill Clinton's illegal Commerce deals just shortly before Ron was killed in an airplane crash.  The plane was misdirected to fly into a mountain by a beacon.  The man at the airport who misdirected the beacon was found shot to death shortly thereafter, apparently to shut him up.  It wasn't enough to crash Ron's plane into a mountain.  Someone wanted to be sure he was dead.  He was found at the crash scene with a bullet hole in the back of his head which was discovered during an autopsy and reported on before any of Clinton's pals had a chance to hide the findings.  Now a high-ranking UN witness against Hillary was suspiciously killed just prior to testifying against her.  I'd love to know what he would have revealed.

As for the upcoming 'election', you can safely bet it will be handled in the same manner as all the other affairs concerning the Clintons.

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