Trey Gowdy Just Destroyed Hillary Clinton


The Benghazi Committee’s final report contained devastating news for Hillary Clinton.

For months political observers and the public awaited the release of the definitive account of the “who, what, where, when, why and how” of the Obama administration’s handling of the terrorist attacks.

But it was a minor miracle the panel was able to complete their work in the face of Hillary Clinton and the State Department stonewalling their efforts.

It’s no shock Hillary and Obama wanted to make life difficult for Trey Gowdy and his Committee.

Benghazi was the biggest intelligence failure of the Obama administration.

Four Americans, including our Ambassador, were murdered in the terrorist attack that was a direct result of Obama and Hillary’s failed foreign policy.

And then the administration tried to cover up their responsibility for the attack by blaming it on a YouTube video protest that escalated beyond control. 

So the administration stalled.

They stonewalled.

The Committee noted the Pentagon, CIA and State Department failed to comply with subpoenas, produce witnesses or turn over documents.

And they blasted Hillary’s use of a private email server as “shameful,” and as preventing them from ever knowing the truth.

Politico reports:

Rep. Trey Gowdy and fellow Republicans on the House Select Committee on Benghazi said that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the State Department acted in a “shameful” manner in failing to turn over emails from her private email server, making it “impossible” to know whether everything about the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Libya that left four Americans dead will ever be known.

In the committee’s final report, being released Tuesday, Republicans assert that stonewalling by the Obama administration — especially the State Department, Pentagon and CIA — delayed the completion of the investigation for months. 

The committee even threatened to begin contempt of Congress proceedings against Secretary of State John Kerry and CIA Director John Brennan for failing to comply with its subpoenas, according to a section of the final report obtained by Politico ahead of its release.

The report blasts the administration for what Republicans say was repeated and willful 
non-compliance with a congressional investigation, forcing the Benghazi panel to use a series of under-the-radar subpoenas, subpoena threats and a warning that the committee would initiate contempt-of-Congress proceedings against Kerry and other officials if the department did not accede to its demands for information. 

Republicans say the State Department still has failed to turn over several thousand pages of documents related to an Accountability Review Board investigation into Benghazi.

Given that the Benghazi Select Committee was scheduled to release their report in the heat of a presidential election, it’s no wonder the Obama administration put politics ahead of the truth.

The report was likely to contain information that would damage Hillary’s campaign, so there was extra incentive to undermine the Committee’s work.

And there is some evidence that recent polling in the wake of the headlines generated by the release of the Committee’s report is hurting Hillary’s numbers.

A Rasmussen poll showed Trump leading Hillary 43%-39%, which was a nine-point swing from their previous survey. (You can count on polls showing Hillary way out before Trump as being fraudulent paid for 'polls' to mislead the public uninformed of the fraudulent 'elections' and the money from the cabal funding Hillary.)

Even if the facts led to an uncomfortable conclusion, Obama and Hillary owed a full accounting to the American people.

Instead, they played 'politics' and dragged their feet on complying with the Committee. 

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